The Citadel Theatre is located in downtown Edmonton, and has many different arrival options.
The Citadel Theatre can be accessed from a variety of directions and parking lots, including surface lots and street parking.The closest underground parking lots are the City of Edmonton Library Parkade (entrance at 100 Street and Judy Padua Way OR 99 Street and Shoctor Alley) and the Canada Place Impark Parkade (entrance at 102 Avenue between 99 Street and 97 Street).

If you require an accessible parking stall, plan to park in P2 of the Library Parkade via the 99 Street entrance in front of the Citadel. Remember to pay for your parking session before you exit the parkade using the machine or the MyEPark app.
If, upon entry to the parkade in your vehicle, you are met with a sign that says that P2 is full and you require access to the elevator, drive down to P3 and follow signs to exit the parkade. You will then drive up through P2 where there should still be accessible stalls available with access to the elevator.
There is a powered door with a push button to access the elevator. This elevator will take you to our main floor in the Lee Pavilion, from which you can access all of our venues.
Pathway Video: Library Parkade to Box Office

Citadel patrons can park on levels P3 and P4. There is elevator access and accessible parking stalls available by each of the elevators on P3 and P4. There are ramps leading up to the P3 and P4 elevators that are a bit steep and narrow.Pay at parking machines on P2 or P1 or through the Zipstall App
Pathway Video: Canada Place North Parkade to Box Office

The Citadel Theatre is located in downtown Edmonton and is adjacent to the Churchill LRT Station (99 Street & 102A Avenue), which connects with the Edmonton Transit Services’ Capital, Metro and Valley LRT lines. Our building can be accessed at street level or underground via the Pedway.
ETS Trip Planner can help you plan your route!

If you are taking the LRT to your event at the Citadel, take the train to Churchill Station and then follow the Pedway signs to Citadel Theatre. There is a motion sensor to open the centre-right door on your right.
There is an elevator up to the Citadel on P2 of Library Parkade that is adjacent to the LRT Pedway which you can access through a glass door that has a Citadel sign beside it. There are also stairs up to the Citadel Theatre main floor.
This elevator and stairs will take you to the main floor in the Lee Pavilion, from which you can access all of our venues.
Pathway Video: Churchill LRT Station to Box Office (with stairs)
Pathway Video: Churchill LRT Station to Box Office (with elevator)

The following information covers the Citadel Theatre’s different entrances and drop-off areas.
The Citadel Theatre’s accessible Drop-Off entrance is on the south side of the building (off Shoctor Alley and 99 Street). There is a powered door with a push button that opens both sets of doors. If you are using DATS or another transport option such as a taxi or family member, this is the best place to be dropped off and picked up.
For pick-up, you will be able to wait inside the south doors of the lobby until your ride arrives.
Pathway Video: DATS Drop Off and Shoctor Alley Entrance to Box Office

The Foote Theatre School (FTS) entrance is on the east end of Shoctor Alley, adjacent to Canada Place. This door remains locked at all times, and is monitored by security. Shoctor Alley is typically available for short term drop-off and pick up of FTS students.
There is an entrance to the Citadel building kitty corner from Churchill Square underneath the marquee screen. There is a powered door with a wave switch that is sometimes not able to work if it is too windy.

If you are entering our building from 99 Street, across from the Stanley A. Milner Library, there is a powered door with a wave switch.

There is a north entrance to the Citadel Theatre on 102 Avenue across from the Winspear Centre. It does not have power doors.

The Citadel Theatre is a large facility with multiple levels and floors. There are 3 at the Citadel for building users:
This glass elevator will take you from the Main Floor Box Office area to the second floor Shoctor Theatre Lobby and third floor of Shoctor Theatre.
Pathway Video: Box Office to Shoctor Theatre

This enclosed elevator beside the Box Office goes down to the Rice Theatre lobby. Secure access (key required) available to the backstage of the Shoctor Theatre on the second floor and the Administration offices on the third floor.
Pathway Video: Box Office to Rice Theatre

This glass elevator located by the 102 Avenue entrance on the north side of the building takes you down into the Maclab Theatre lobby and up to the Tucker Amphitheatre.
Pathway Video: Box Office to Maclab Theatre

An enclosed elevator going down to P2 of the Library Parkade/LRT in the Lee Pavillion by the northwest entrance.
Pathway Video: Churchill LRT Station to Box Office (with elevator)